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Zelda at the Oasis, which is set in the 1930s, provides insight into the balancing act that one artistic spouse must maintain when the other half is considered to be a genius. Zelda in this play is Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, wife of legendary American novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald. In Zelda at the Oasis, she attempts to escape from the gigantic shadow of her husband and be recognized as an artist in her own right.
Zelda Fitzgerald is in a New York watering hole, the Club Oasis, where she hopes to dilute the tumultuous feelings that swirl around in her regarding her relationship with her husband, the eminently famous novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald. Defined by a less-than-stellar artistic reputation, Zelda attempts to deal with her relationship with her husband and his legendary literary status. During the course of the evening, the bartender at the Club Oasis befriends Zelda.
The bartender, who is called Bar Man, is an aspiring musician who plays the piano. As Zelda attempts to deal with her dwindling sanity and the growing overbearing nature of her husband, she finds solace in the unexpected friendship with the bartender. Zelda tells her stories to Bar Man, and he transforms into the characters she relates to him. Can her burgeoning friendship offer her solace, hope and a new beginning?
Show Facts
Written by P.H. Lin
Director Andy Sandberg
Set Designer Colin McGurk
Costume Designer Dustin Cross
Lighting Designer Grant Yeager
Sound Designer David Melnick
Bar Man Edwin Cahill
Zelda Gardner Reed
St. Luke’s Theatre
308 46th St.
New York, NY 10019
Preview: Nov. 16, 2012 Open: Dec. 4, 2012 Status: Open Run
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