• September 8, 2014

SDC-logo-1If you are interested in a career in the theatre, in learning more about a specific area, or in developing your technique, skill, or craft, All Tickets Inc. is offering a range of educational encounters through the premiere career development company for those interested in becoming theatre professionals. Stage Door Connections offers educational opportunities for those who are just starting our, for those who want to further develop their art and craft, and for those who simply want to know more about some aspect of the theatre.

Great Group Experience

educational9An educational experience with Stage Door Connections will add a whole new level of enjoyment to your New York Experience. Work directly with a Broadway professional, discuss acting, directing, design, or any other theatrical area with a seasoned pro, and discover the excitement of learning from direct experience. These educational encounters involve engaged learning and provide participants with a whole new range of knowledge. Your group will be energized by this shared experience and will be able to use the knowledge garnered in their seminar.

Get Involved in an Educational Encounter

Working with Stage Door Connections is all about involved learning. It is about being focused and in the moment, as you delve into dance, acting, singing, design, and any other aspect of the professional theatre. An educational experience offers active learning possibilities that can then be applied to the show you are seeing and to your activities and experiences once you return home.

Skills, Knowledge, and Techniques Are Transferable

educational18Everyone and anyone can benefit from a Stage Door Connection’s educational encounter. Although primarily focused on the theatre, these seminars offer techniques, skills, methods, and knowledge that may be applied to any endeavor. From business to social interaction, from public relations to teaching, and from group dynamics to individual relationships, there’s a wealth of applicable knowledge that may be accessed through a Stage Door Connections class.

More Information

For more information on how you may utilize any of the classes and seminars provided by Stage Door Connections contact All Tickets Inc. at 1-800-922-0716. We’ll work with your group to get you the best possible rate on the educational encounter that you desire. Plus, special requests are no problem. Make and get more out of your New York group experience by working with a Broadway insider who will give you a new understanding about the profession, art, and business of theatre.

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